How AWS Global Accelerator works – AWS Global Accelerator, AWS Global Accelerator is a service in which you create accelerators to improve availability and performance of your applications for local and global users. Global Accelerator directs traffic to optimal endpoints over the AWS global network.
AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that sends your users traffic through Amazon Web Services global network infrastructure, improving your internet user performance by up to 60%. When the internet is congested, Global Accelerators automatic routing optimizations will help keep your packet loss, jitter, and latency consistently low.
AWS Global Accelerator provides you with a set of static IP addresses that are anycast from the AWS edge network. If you bring your own IP address range to AWS (BYOIP), you can instead assign static IP addresses from your own pool to use with your accelerator. The static IP addresses serve as single fixed entry points for your clients.
11/9/2020 · What is AWS Global Accelerator? AWS Global Accelerator is a service that allow traffic to travel around the world within multiple AWS regions, improving the availability and performance of the…